ARK: Survival Evolved – New Ark Genesis 2 VoidWyrm Reveal & Possible ARK 2 / ARK Gen 2 Secret Found!
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I've been waiting for an opportunity to talk about this for quite some time. And i mean the sudden addition to the ending of the Genesis Part 1 Area with this .. Person? I can't imagine it's an accident because the items are placed correctly and they have been textured etc to an extent. It looks like the helmet is a hair too low though and damaged. Who knows, regardless if i feel this is a stretch i'll just remove the video. VoidWyrm is cool though isn't it?
I wonder will there an underwater tek creature
It says in the post that the voidwyrm will "soar above the ARK" so maybe that means so high it is in space or it is just high up in the sky.
I think thats just a tek wyvern
It's probably the lunar biome, but it would be so dope if it was a cave system with some anti-gravity effects or a magnetic field so that the rocks float. Just a thought, idk
wyrm is (y-rim)
This guy sounds like igp’s older brother.
I'm going to cry now a delay but it's for a good cause my exams are coming in march
This is releasing on my birthday 😱
so the voidwyrm is basically a tek wyvern that functions in space?
Technically it's not a wyrm its a system but Whatever.
A wyvern
If you look on the steam page for the crunch the picture is wider and it shows what I believe to be part of the genesis ship in the top right corner. Like the part where the artificial sun moves.
so basically it's just a tek wyvern
Hi! The armor you found is actually not damaged, it's just a graphic bug. When I don't have my graphics on ultra its showing me the same. 😊
I really hope ark 2 is based before ark 1 and we atleast get a year of primitive styled ark before all the tek futuristic crap comes into the game lol
Is this the tek wyvern that ppl suspected were coming? Kill it to get a tel saddle for your wyv? Sounds OP and badass
i did the 667th like ahahha
Santiago was brought back after extinction by the ark system
Maby its rockwell
I think you are looking to much into the broken texture bug from Wildcard. Lol you are stretching at most.
Well this is gonna be sick
Sooo tek wyvern….HECK YEAH
Is it me or that big head thing looks similar in a way to an Elite from Halo?
Neat it comes out at my birthday
Some things i wanted to talk about,
the first thing is the voidwyrm, now it could be just a tek version of the wyvern but it could be also something more. It might be able to do a lot more stuff than the original wyvern like shooting a black whole by pressing c or shoots a darkmater beam instead of breathing fire. The reason i came to the conclusion of the things i named above, is because of the name Voidwyrm.
the second thing i want to point out is the delay, at this point a i had high hopes of it comming out in the next 2-3 weeks. I thought that ark would do something like the devs of no mans sky would do (they didnt post anything in 6 months when the game went to complete shit, in those 6 months they were working silently on the game and brought a new update out). I though that maybe wildcard would the same thing, but i wasnt suprised when they announced a delay. Many game companies delayed many big updates so that they could improve the update or add new things that they have not thought of. So im kind of happy and also very sad that they delayed ark genesis 2, happy because they might bring new tames or items that they didnt even think of, sad because of the reason that i want to play this new DLC.
Welp I never knew I would see a Tek looking wyvern before 😯
The differents between dragon wyvern and wyrm is very easy a dragon got 4 legs and 2 wings the wyvern got only 2 legs and stand ob his wings and the wyrm got only wings.
I don't know if it is Santiago but it could be hear me out here yes he died but so did Rockwell, we the player killed him on Aberration and yet he still came back and must have broken free from being trapped as the boss/overseer of Aberration, so perhaps some how Santiago has been brought back or maybe he didn't actually die just get fatally injured and managed to survive. I could be wrong but what if Santiago never died could be some weird time loop thing
The voracious grease bioinformatically excuse because push conceptually scribble save a noxious feather. superb, apathetic learning
Maybe it's a model for the players tek suit when they first arrive on genesis part 2. Wild card said that everyone will start off with a tek suit but they didn't say what condition it would be in. This would probably make the beginning of the game more challenging if you have a tek suit but can't use it to it's full potential until you repair later in the game.
Tek, meh
me getting more hyped while fully knowing its gonna get delayed
A dragon has a total of four limbs, claws and feet, and two wings, wyver has two wings and two feet, plus their body are slimmer and smaller. Drakes in ark, from what I remember, have four feet and can't fly, only glide.
i think its probably not santiago, might be but whoever it is must be relevant as other wise they wouldnt bother adding it.
H.L.N.A. getting swol💪
Ark let’s go!