Wildcards Ark 2025 RoadMap Is Too Ambitious…4 Maps But No Mention Of Ark 2

Wildcard released their plans for 2025 and honestly its a lot. I feel like 2025 should have been a year focused on game stability, server performance fixes and the new story map Lost Colony but wildcard has a whole list of other plans of things they want to get out this year.

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Ark Ascended News
Ark Survival Ascended 2025
Wildcard Ark Roadmap


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10 thoughts on “Wildcards Ark 2025 RoadMap Is Too Ambitious…4 Maps But No Mention Of Ark 2”

  1. My issue is the fact that it's still "early access " and they aren't fixing the base game, issues that were already in ASE! If they had done what they promised they wouldn't be tanking on players! It's so maddening to me. I have so many friends who refuse to leave ASE because of it. And I can't even blame them. We are being lied to, bate and switched and what happens when it comes out of early access? Nope anyone buying anything from Ark right now or in the future are the problem and mark my words ASA is going to fail. Sadly. My favorite game of all time.😒

  2. I agree that it's great to have made-up / best-intention dates for maps and whatnot, but I haven't heard anything about the server latency issue on extinction. The game becomes almost unplayable without restarts. Regardless of whether you're running a Nitrado or private unofficial server on your own network, the game latency is terrible, and the network latency remains the same.

  3. i really dont understand people having issues and crashes in ASA, me and everybody on my server and that i know who play ASA dont have any issues. yeah sometimes a mod causes issues but thats normal for every game in existence

  4. Theyre doing worse by the day, i feel bad for ARK at this point. 15$ official unfinished DLC map that prob has 0 new tek engrams, probably the boat and some other none sense


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