ARK Survival Evolved 2 – What Happened? (Release Date – Gameplay – All We Know – ARK 2)

So we got ARK 2 announced but it’s been real quiet ever since then! Enjoy!
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Monster Hunter World Iceborne gameplay and upcoming Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak gameplay has taught us one thing and that’s hunting monsters and it’s time to check in with the ultimate dinosaur survival game in ARK Survival Evolved gameplay or should I say ARK 2 or ARK Survival Evolved 2?

#arksurvivalevolved2 #ark2 #ark2gameplay #trailer

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31 thoughts on “ARK Survival Evolved 2 – What Happened? (Release Date – Gameplay – All We Know – ARK 2)”

  1. Simple, they're spending more time on trying to make the game look good then actually trying to make it good. That's one of the major problems with big budget and/or popular games these days.

  2. Rage gaming videos: Plays Ark just one time…

    Also Rage Gaming videos: Where is Ark 2???

    Edit: It's not for hating intentions just make fun out of it XD

    But seriously, I really appreciate you are getting into the world of Ark have been playing it whole five years and let me tell you is probably one of the best games ever done and ever played I know

  3. Games like this take time. I’d rather the developers take their time to make it right than to rush it out and have a ton of flaws, glitches or errors. I just hope you don’t need to have a dedicated server to play with friends without a tether.

  4. I would let you know in advance, wildcard, out of the like, 10 or so expansion packs they have brought to ARK…. exactly 2 where done on time, and that's only because they didn't tell anyone they were releasing scorched earth….. it would be genuinely one of the biggest surprises ever if they got it out on time, and even when they do, the chances it doesn't work, very high. but on the upside…….. VIN DIESEL YAAAAAAAAAAA

  5. Arks story is kinda weird. It’s a human caused extinction after the discovery of element. The element was used to build the arks, lifeboat, Meks and so on. I think ark 2 is supposed to step away from tek stuff since the element used to make them caused the problem in the first place.

  6. Well looks like I'm giving
    Ark another go. From the vids you've done got a Ark itch. Plus considering everything but the final DLC part 1-2, are included in game pass I don't have to pay for them. Yay.

  7. I don't watch the channel anymore as monster hunter just isn't the game but damn the YouTube algorithm did me right because the nostalgia this brought back is insane. your guy's series on ark is what got me into the game and I've played 2k hours since. glad this video got through to my feed and hope both You and rage are doing well

  8. So when they released the trailer for Ark 2 the studio cleared up the misunderstanding because of the trailer with Vin Diesel, that ark 2 will be a story focusd game. It will be an openworld survival game like ark. I think it will come out in early access because that is how they develope games. It gives them the opportunity to develop the game closer with the gamers together. My guess is that Ark 2 will come out 2023 and that we will get a new trailer, maybe even gameplay, at e3. The description of the ark 2 trailer says: Ark 2 thrusts players into a brutal new world of primitive survival against both beast and man, facing down the ever-present threats of hyper-realistic intelligent dinosaurs, aggressive alien fauna, and the exotic environment of an unearthy planet. Survivors will continue Arks dramatic eons spanning story of humankinds evolution, in this next generation sandbox survival experience.

  9. I have played alot of Ark but I still never understood the story. Haven't played the genesis ones so maybe why but never felt like the story was clear. So hope there is more clear story in Ark 2 while still having the freedom of course.

  10. Ark is PvE only now, pc hackers and cheats are fully deployed now and you will get killed for no reason at the bottom of the sea from a cheater you can't see just for some fibre

  11. The game is amazing and very addicting I love the breeding mechanics getting awesome colors and amazing stats. But the official servers are so full meshing and duplications. The mods just have no time to really clean up the servers. But you okay it on dedicated unofficial servers where friends set up rules and the game truly shines.
    The servers I was on had no offline pvp and crazy fun events.


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